Science and I

P1 - Friends, enemeies or frienemies?
 Science and I have up and down relationship. During elementary school where I was first introduced to science the teacher made me read books on volcanos, rocks, water, sand, weather and so on.. More like simple things unit 5th grade where I dissected an owls pellet. That was a very interesting and unusual experience. When I moved on to the 6th grade and got introduced to a whole new class and teacher it wasn't interesting at all. I really disliked science in middle school. 

P2 - Science in my future.
Now that I'm a freshman at New Design high school and I'm new to everything at this school It seems not so hard but very interesting and sorta easy. So far science has been fun and keeping me awake in class. I am looking forward to have a good 4 years in science class at New Design.