Friday, April 20, 2012

this week in science #11

 This week in science we did several things that all connected to how make a spiders ecosystem. We visited the park and collected things that we would need for our tanks. We took a rock, two branches, two sticks, a few leafs, an open nut, 3 warms and a couple ants. At the park we took pictures of the most important parts of the ecosystem. I took pictures of the trees,sun,leafs, a water fountain and warms . And after we finished designing our tanks I drew the side view of the tank.
   I learned that the several things that we collect to design an ecosystem for the spider and very much similar to ours. I also learned that our tank needs a few leafs for oxygen just like we need trees for oxygen. When I drew the side view of the tank I seen a warm and it was moving around, I was interested by that because it was far down into the dirt and it was moving around. When I took pictures I learned that the park is very important to our ecosystem because of the living things in it and the plants and trees that make up our environment. I didn't think that the park was important to take care, but I learned that it does because it also helps our ecosystem and how we should take care of it.